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Thursday, 6 December 2007
angel's post 2 years ago (this is a background to my next post hehe)
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Chismis
fyi, to all, i have been alone for almost two years. No boyfriend at all. It has been a roller coaster of emotions. Feeling all the insecurities that I have and covering up all the loneliness that I've been feeling all this time. Just a brief background about me, about two years ago I rarely open up to someone. Usually I don't let myself get hurt by anybody that I would be involved with. I always try to not love or like someone too much so he won't have the upper hand with my emotions. Well just this week, I let myself get hurt. I finally accepted the thought of having a special someone. I thought that was my problem before that's why I can't get someone. Anyway he ended up hurting me. I really thought we had something there but I was wrong. I really need to be cautious again and not let just anyone enter my life...

I also think that the relationship I tried to create with some of friends are falling apart. For one thing everyone's busy nowadays and they can’t seem to give time to their friends although I do appreciate
the effort of others. It's really been hard especially going back to my self-pity mode. Anyway at least its ok and at least I have a career path na. No boys for me muna, just sex and no emotions. It’s a sad life but at least none of this heartbreak bullshit! Bye for now peeps and I miss you all!

Posted by forgotten-vodka at 10:48 AM WST
Updated: Thursday, 6 December 2007 10:51 AM WST
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